Monday, February 26, 2007


It's about time. Marty Scorsese finally won the Oscar for Best Director while his film "The Departed" won for Best Picture. And ManwithaVan told you so.

Friday, February 23, 2007


A big fat piece of shameless crap.

Seriously... What appears to be a light-hearted everyman’s comedy dives into lowbrow trash as fast as Rasputia’s fat ass flies down a water slide. “Norbit” amazingly manages to blatantly offend a gamut of groups, including Fat and Skinny, Men and Women, Blacks, Whites, Chinese, Italians, Jews, Mexicans, even the Elderly and the Young. It’s like Eddie Murphy and his brother wrote this in one night over a case of warm Colt 45’s. The most interesting part of the movie was actually the reactions of the audience who was really only comfortable laughing at the ridiculous physical antics, like the spear-in-the-asshole gag. The one redeeming quality is Murphy’s insatiable talent as the massively obese and overbearing Rasputia. But what does that say anyway?

Monday, February 12, 2007

"Jackass 2"

How are these guys not dead yet?

Seriously… The first Jackass was insane. But “number two” is worse, and significantly so. It’s incredible to witness these guys willingly endure such traumatic events, some with brutal consequences, and to see how they face and deal with these extreme decisions. To know that they are all banking a nice paycheck is probably the one and only comfort in this film. I mean, Steve-O shoves a giant hook & line straight through his cheek and jumps into a school of swarming sharks as human bait. It’s certainly creative, but it’s also so arresting sometimes that it's just not right to laugh. And then what is beyond this? I'd hate to think about that for too long.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

“Nacho Libre”

Best Comedy of '06.

Seriously… Everything about this film rocks. Director Jared Hess, fresh off the cult-hit “Napoleon Dynamite,” gets the opportunity to play with a bigger budget, brighter stars, and better Hollywood material. Hess maintains his stoic and understated tone of humor that thrives on awkward situations and the unordinary, while indulging in the subtleties of highly unique characters. Enter the reigning champ of physical comedy, Mr. Jack Black. Just turn the cameras on and move over rover because Black entertains with even the simplest of gestures ("Nachooooooooooo"). Then throw in some of his signature musical numbers, tons of clever dialogue, and a spectacular supporting cast… you’ve got yourself a main event.

*Expanded Review in "Comments"

"Talladega Nights"

Will Ferrell at his best.

Seriously… Here, Ferrell plays a good ole country boy with rocks for brains and only one worry in the world and that’s winning. Sound like a familiar past TV character of his? Ferrell is also a Writer on this film with Director Adam McKay, who together have made a solid comedy team since those SNL days, including 2004’s “Anchor Man.” But standing just as tall in this picture is the surprising man-about-town, Mr. Sasha Cohen (Borat, Ali G, Bruno) as Ricky Bobby’s French nemesis, Jean Girard. This guy is such a great character actor it was difficult to even spot him at first. But who else would be brave enough to kiss Ferrell on the lips?

Monday, February 5, 2007

“World Trade Center”

Should have been called “Rescue 9-1-1”

Seriously… Its title sounds fairly imposing. However, rather than making a grand statement on a catastrophic American event or coloring the issue with politics, “World Trade Center” smartly maintains a narrow focus in subject by concentrating on the lives and experiences of its 2 main characters and their families. It’s really a film about survival and love with 9/11 as the backdrop. Not a bad hand from Director Oliver Stone who can also be known for the eccentric. It’s also reassuring to see Nic Cage cast in a good role, and one that actually portrays an authentic blue-collar New Yorker. Or is it just the mustache?

Sunday, February 4, 2007

“Casino Royale”

Bond is back, baby.

Seriously… With “Casino Royale,” an intricate story is woven chock full of action, and yet the film is not overproduced, making this the most buyable Bond flick of late. Furthermore, this James Bond is not your typical clean-cut pretty boy. He is rebellious and arrogant by nature, and willing to make extreme decisions. And doesn’t it make sense that a guy who does this kind of work is not just a yes-man, but in fact has his own agenda too? Daniel Craig makes for a sensational Bond, and at times he even manages to blur the role between good guy and villain, given his cool demeanor and icier stare. Oh, and of course, we are blessed with a perfect entourage of Bond girls to provide ample eye candy as well. Keep ‘em comin’.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

“An Inconvenient Truth”

An Inconvenient Truth about who… the planet? or Gore?

Seriously… Thank goodness the documentary format is reaching mass audiences. This is a highly informative presentation piece that should really be required viewing, while moderator and recent Nobel Prize Nominee Al Gore demonstrates a welcomed charisma. However, the lecture is oddly inter-cut with artsy segments exploring Mr. Gore’s personal battles in life, which leads the doc in a more political direction, and can actually defeat its own purpose by turning away the conservative base and preaching to its own choir instead. Why haven’t liberals learned to make a bi-partisan film yet? Then they might be taken seriously. Nevertheless, the point is clear… Manwithavan may soon be Manwithabike. Great movie.