What a hack job.
Seriously… Did Woody Allen write this as he was shooting it? This story is strung together so whimsically and motivated by dialogue so tough to swallow that even the actors seem at sea, painfully demonstrated by a chorus of flat-as-a-board performances… namely the highly overrated “Scleavage" Johansson. Who told Allen it was a great idea to make a 2-hour melodrama on the metaphor of luck between love and tennis, anyway? It would be more forgiving had he incorporated any of the usual witty and comedic banter, but sadly, this film takes itself far too seriously. To top it off, lead actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers, who courts 2 lady lovers in the film, comes across as flaming gay. Talk about unconvincing.
boo who?
You're on crack. This was a perfectly executed existential treatise, topping even Crimes and Misdmeanors in my admittedly opinion. It's one of his very best, along with C&M, Hannah and Her Sisters, and Annie Hall. Loved it. I didn't think he still had something this good in him, and sadly I question whether he has anything left, but maybe he'll prove me wrong again. Not like he doesn't make a movie every single friggin year!
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